Friday, May 25, 2012

My Sharona!

Meet Sharon, one of my nearest and dearest of friends.  I love this gal for so many reasons!  She is one of those friends that you always have a blast with.  It doesn't matter if you're doing something exciting or just sitting around and shooting the breeze, we always end up laughing till our sides hurt.  One of the things I admire about her most is that she has an uncanny ability to treat everyone fairly.  Doesn't matter your race, your social standing, your age,  Sharon always treats people kindly and with a genuine smile.  This makes her a fantastic Public Health nurse.  And a pretty fantastic person in general. 

We knew each other, but not well, for years.  She was more of a friend of a friend than a friend of mine.  Then a mutual friend of ours got married and we were both in the wedding party.  One day, while taking a break from our bridesmaid duties, we went out to eat together at  A&W.  This  was the first time we ever really hung out, just the two of us.  And something  just clicked and we have been very close ever since. (Thanks for getting married Nicole!) At the time, we were both single and spent many a night out on the town together having so much fun!  Oh the times us girls had...needless to say, neither of us will ever be able to run for public office without paying the other one off to stay quiet and burn quite a few pictures. 

I love friends like Sharon so much.  Particularly when you are single,  you really learn to value your good friends.  I know a lot of people.  I have quite a few friends.  But few are on the same level as Sharon.  You've just got to love those friends who are on the A list.  The friend you could call in the middle of the night from jail.  The friend who will tell you how great you are when you are down.  The friend you know you can tell anything to.  I can count them on one hand.  And I am thankful for them every day.  AFF.  That is what my life is about.  Animals.  Family.  Friends.  That is what makes it worth it!

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