Wednesday, May 16, 2012


So....this is me.  A much harder bio to write than for the animals.  I work as an office manager.  My second (and unpaid) job is running my farm.  I am also an aspiring caterer.  I have catered on and off for about 5 years and am trying to get my own little catering business off the ground.  I grew up in a very small town, the few children my age were all boys.  So as a girl I dreamed of little more than having a pony.  Yeah yeah, its every little girl's dream, I know.  My dad insisted it was a phase I'd grow out of....and he couldn't have been more wrong!  I got my first horse around age 25 or so. 

I had never lived in the country, but had always wanted to.  One day the then-boyfriend (we will call him Bob) and I saw this acreage for sale.  We had been together quite a while and were pretty well committed to each  other.  From the first time I stepped foot in that house and walked around the place, I knew it was home.  And Bob agreed.  We bought the place together three days later.  We had both always dreamed of country living, but it seems I was the only one who enjoyed it.  Long story short, Bob and I lived there together for a year.  For various reasons which I will not get into, it didn't work out and he decided to move back to town.  I was panicked.  How would I do this all without Bob?  After all, I am just a city girl transplanted into the country.  How will I do all the mowing?  I considered selling the place, but knew I'd likely spend the rest of my life looking for a place I liked as much as this one. 

Well, as it turns out, Bob wasn't as much help as I thought he was.  I was delighted to find that I could indeed do it without him.  It was actually easier....Bob wasn't the handiest of men and broke more than he fixed.  In the 6 years since, I have learned a LOT.  I can dig a fence post hole, assist with kitten birthing, trap a raccoon, put a belt on the lawn mower, build a proper bonfire.  The list goes on and on.  It should be noted that I couldn't do it without the help of my dad and brother.  They are awesome and always glad (maybe dad more so than my bro) to help me out when I am in over my head.  I don't think I could go back to city living now.  I like the wide open spaces, beautiful vistas, and bright stars at night far too much to go back. 

So that is how I ended up with a 7.5 acre acreage and a five bedroom house that I live in by myself.  It wasn't ever my plan to live there alone, but I couldn't love it more.  I always joke that I have enough bedrooms that each horse could have their own if we ever had really bad weather...

1 comment:

  1. Love your passion and determination! It sounds like you're right where you ought to be. Congrats!
